Dear Family,
It has been a really fun week. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to e-mail yesterday. So that is why its late. We had this big ward BBQ at a beach. It was great spending time with the ward. Japanese BBQ's are very different. They throw a bunch of vegetables and rice balls on the grill along with all of the meat. It was pretty delicious. We have some of the best cooks in our ward over here. Oh and to answer your question about the thing I was eating with an egg on it. It was okonomiyaki wrapped around a pair of chopsticks. It was really good.
Earlier this week I went on exchanges with Elder Eckman who is just a hilarious person. It went pretty well. We taught a couple of lessons. An awesome experience we had though was on the way back to our apartment we said we are going to teach one more person and it will be up at this corner ahead and sure enough we did. It was amazing at how it just worked out. The next night I was with Elder Everett telling him about that experience because we were at the same corner. While telling him about it a man came up to the corner waiting for the light and me and Elder Everett just looked at each other and said lets do it. So we went and talked to him and he was really interested and wanted to talk to us. It was nice meeting him and talking to him also. We now call that spot miracle corner. It has been a great week full of miracles and other great things.
I don't have a whole lot of time today because I'm on another exchange with my District Leader, Elder Tipton. So I'm just going to hurry up and finish with what we talked about in our district meeting today. So we learned about Charity and how it never fails. It is so important to have charity because the greatest commandment given was to love your neighbor as yourself. As a missionary we are trying to seek after this gift. When we have a love for all of our Heavenly Father's children and we know the importance of the message we share we will be more able to serve them the best we can. That is my goal that I'm setting is to give myself to the service of the Lord through serving my fellow brothers and sisters. I hope that I may learn and develop this gift. One of the scriptures that helps motivate me to obtain charity is Moroni 7:47-48. Another thing I would encourage others to do is watch or read the talk given by Pres. Uchtdorf called The Merciful Obtain Mercy.
Well I hope everything goes well for you this week. I really have been enjoying your e-mails. It sounds like a lot is going on. I love you all and pray for the best.
Love Elder Gandy
P.S. Tomorrow is transfer calls so next week I'll let you know what happens.
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